Home News McLaren Cyberattack: BlackCat’s Strike and Ongoing Fallout

McLaren Cyberattack: BlackCat’s Strike and Ongoing Fallout


US healthcare giant McLaren recently acknowledged a ransomware incident, revealing that BlackCat hackers infiltrated its systems in late July 2023. The breach, detected in late August, compromised the data of over two million patients.

Within McLaren, the hackers exfiltrated sensitive information, encompassing full names, birth dates, Social Security Numbers, medical details, billing claims, diagnoses, prescriptions, and more. Notably, Medicare and Medicaid data were also pilfered. TechCrunch obtained screenshots showcasing the stolen information, indicating hackers’ access to the password manager, internal financial statements, and employee records.

McLaren Cyberattack: BlackCat's Strike and Ongoing Fallout

McLaren Cyberattack Fallout and BlackCat’s Role

Millions impacted
Following the breach, BlackCat claimed responsibility and asserted negotiations with McLaren, a statement unverified by evidence. McLaren remained tight-lipped beyond its official declaration.

Corporate Profile
McLaren, spanning 13 Michigan hospitals with 28,000 employees, generated over $6 billion in revenue last year. Currently, it faces three cyberattack-related class action lawsuits, as reported by TechCrunch.

Ransomware’s Ubiquity
Ransomware poses a ubiquitous threat across diverse industries and organizations. While some groups avoid high-profile targets, others, like BlackCat, indiscriminately pursue profit, targeting hospitals, infrastructure, and government entities.

BlackCat’s Disturbing Presence
Among active ransomware operators, BlackCat stands out alongside LockBit and Cl0p as a disruptive force in the cybersecurity landscape.


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