In a groundbreaking move, Google has launched its much-anticipated AI assistant, Gemini Live, marking a significant leap in AI technology. Announced during the Made by Google 2024 event, Gemini Live brings...
In a groundbreaking move, Google has launched its much-anticipated AI assistant, Gemini Live, marking a significant leap in AI technology. Announced during the Made by Google 2024 event, Gemini...
Google has announced that its DeepMind AI can now play table tennis at the level of an amateur competitor. The breakthrough is believed to be a major leap in...
Reports reveal that Google and Meta have been targeting ads at young teens, raising serious concerns about self-regulation in the tech industry and highlighting the urgent need for external oversight.
Google Chrome's new Compact Mode is set to improve the browsing experience on smaller screens by reducing toolbar sizes and padding. Discover how this feature can make your desktop browsing more efficient.